[TYPO3-dam] emty table tx_dam_mm_ref

Stephan Petzl spetzl at gmx.at
Tue Nov 18 16:33:49 CET 2008

what is the tx_dam_mm_ref table for?
the hl_dam_gallery generates a query, but nothing returns, and that is 
because there is not a single record in this table.
any ideas why`?

SELECT tx_dam_mm_ref.sorting, tx_dam.file_name, tx_dam.file_path, 
FROM tx_dam_mm_ref, tx_dam
tx_dam.uid=tx_dam_mm_ref.uid_local and tx_dam_mm_ref.uid_foreign=52 and 
tx_dam_mm_ref.sorting = 3

BR Stephan

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