[TYPO3-dam] Latest DAM and images (RTE)

Uschi Renziehausen typo3news at otherone.de
Thu May 15 10:42:54 CEST 2008

Hello Ben, Benni, Michiel, Dan and each and everybody

a lot of things do not work in my DAM installation (Ben, it is the one 
you send me on Monday after I complained that the version from trunk 
does not work), but the image stuff works nearly flawlessly now.

If I insert a new magic image, the title and the alt attribute are set 
to the values I configured for RTE.

Resulting markup in code view is this:
alt="Giuseppe Arcimboldo, Der Herbst" title="Giuseppe Arcimboldo, Der 
Herbst" style="width: 300px; height: 365px;" />

My RTE DAM related RTE configuration looks like this:

RTE.default {
     buttons.image.title.useDAMColumn = caption

But, as we can see, the style attribute is used for width and height, 
which is not a very good idea. RTE 1.7.4 uses width and height 
attributes. Example from an installation without DAM:

height="13" width="21" />

Using width an height here is better, because in quite a few 
installations the style attribute will be simply parsed away. This is 
necessary if you do not want to allow your editors to set borders and 
stuff like that for the image which they can do if they switch to html 
mode or paste some code from another webpage.

Now, if you do not allow the style attribute for img, editors have no 
chance to control the size of a plain image. They always end up with the 
original size in FE!

The image properties dialogue is buggy:

If I open the properties dialogue the title and alt fields are empty.
If I then try to modify e.g. the title and click 'Update', nothing 
happens: The title does not get updated and the window does not close. 
Must be some JS error.

I hope that clarifies the situation.

Kind regards, Uschi

Dan Osipov wrote:
> I think we're talking about different things. Can you include a 
> screenshot of what you think is not working properly?
> The 1.2 roadmap is here:
> http://bugs.typo3.org/roadmap_page.php
> http://wiki.typo3.org/index.php/Dam#DAM_1.2_Feature_Requests
> Dan Osipov
> Calkins Media
> http://phillyburbs.com/
> ben van 't ende [netcreators] wrote:
>> Dan Osipov wrote:
>>> I think the underlying reason for what you're seeing is the fact that 
>>> DAM doesn't use Typo3 skining API, but does the design its own way. 
>>> This is scheduled to be reworked in 1.2
>> Hey Dan,
>> AFAIK this worked before and is quit essential for 1.1 as well. Did I 
>> miss that schedule for 1.2? Where is it?
>> gRTz
>> ben

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