[TYPO3-dam] Problem with Indexing

Sebastian Meyer smeyer at slub-dresden.de
Thu May 15 08:54:49 CEST 2008


sorry for reposting this, but I accidently posted it some days ago as a
reply to a solved issue. So I think, maybe you didn't notice it.

I've got a little problem: when uploading files, DAM does not index them
any more (that used to work until about 2 weeks ago) leaving me with an
empty filelist in DAM media browser.
Manually indexing the files doesn't work, too. I then get the message
"There are no new files to index.", but in the Media->File manager the
files still have the small exclamation mark saying that the file isn't
indexed yet.

This problems occur since I updated the DAM about 2 weeks ago. After
updating I had two Media folders, which I merged. I did this by moving
all entries from the new media folder into the old folder and putting
"tx_dam.defaults.pid = 48" in PageTSconfig of the old media folder
(where 48 is the pid of my old media folder).

What did I wrong? Or is there a known bug?

I am using Typo3 v4.1.6 and DAM v1.0.101 (latest nightly build from



  Sebastian Meyer

  Abteilung Informationstechnologie
  Referat Entwicklung

  Sächsische Landesbibliothek -
  Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Dresden (SLUB)
  01054 Dresden
  Besucheradresse: Zellescher Weg 18

  Tel.: +49 351 4677-206
  Fax:  +49 351 4677-711
  Mail: smeyer at slub-dresden.de
  Web:  http://www.slub-dresden.de/

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