[TYPO3-dam] Fetch all items in a category from the DAM Table

Dr. Ronald P. Steiner Ronald.Steiner at googlemail.com
Wed Jul 9 07:56:09 CEST 2008

Hi List,

I try to fetch all items from the DAM that are associated to one ore 
more categories. I tried this code:

$mySQL_fields = "pid,uid,title";
$mySQL_table = "tx_dam";
$mySQL_where = "(category ='1' OR category = '5') AND sys_language_uid=0";
	$items =  $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECTgetRows(

It first seamed to work, but unfortunately in the DB-Table field tx_dam 
-> category not the category itself is stored but the numbers of 
categories the item is associated with. I could not find where to get 
the information which item is in which categories.

any hints?



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