[TYPO3-dam] Does DAM die? 3

Mirco Rohloff mirco at rohloff.de
Fri Sep 28 19:26:49 CEST 2007

Hi Daniel,

lets take a look ahead and try to get all the people together. I
think many of them are frustrated by now. That's why I would suggest to try
to motivate everybody and work together towards our aim. Maybe it is better
to get a clear state of current state and look where we stand and where 
we all wanna
go. I think of the threads over the past months where the problems laid out
openly. But, unfortunately, nothing much happend since.

I would propose to sum up everything, so that everyone can give his/her
comment, problems and ideas to it:

- making a state of actual condition ( maybe a Wiki-Site)
- collecting all problems there
- making a list of common problems, things of interest and overlapping 
- making a list of recources we have
- making a roadmap to produce a stable "DAM"

In my opinion, with a solid concept we can gain back the trust of many users
in the future of this extension and furthermore offer a secure investment
base for the company they will use it. For me, being a user, this is a 
main point, as the feed
in of the contents costs much more than tuning an extension.

I just hope we get many people back together to pull the same string. If
finally all problems and ideas are taken together, we might be able to get a
solution of all the defined parts of it.

With a concept accepted from all sides, surely we'll be able to find
sponsers and developer for this important extension. Yet the advertising 
agents have
not seldom used the DAM for their clients!

Well, this is just a modest proposal. If I am wrong in any way, please
correct me or fill in what I left out.

I am just a user  ;-)

Have a nice weekend.


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