[TYPO3-dam] DAM & T3 4.2 alpha1 -> some errors

Andreas Balzer typo3 at andreas-balzer.de
Sun Sep 16 17:45:38 CEST 2007

Michiel Roos schrieb:
> Try going to the dam ext in the extension manager . . . see if it 
> proposes to create the table. If that fails, try the 'compare' under 
> database setup in the install tool.
ah yes. If I click on Update in EM it doesn't do anything but reload the 
page. It wants to do things like this:
  ALTER TABLE be_users ADD tx_dam_mountpoints tinytext NOT NULL
	ALTER TABLE be_users ADD );
and doesn't do it as it looks like because the ; is always one line 
below the query..

Is this a bug of dam or a problem with my server/installation?


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