[TYPO3-dam] How stable is DAM?

Michiel Roos michiel at netcreators.com
Fri Sep 7 11:33:57 CEST 2007

Robert Markula wrote:
> Hi,
> Before deploying it in an environment I'd like to know how stable DAM 
> is. Are there any show-stopping or other serious bugs in it? Would you 
> recommend using it or would you rather suggest to wait for version 1+?

Try before you buy .. . ehrm . . . install/use . . .

One of the bugs that is keeping me from using the latest 1-something 
rc-1, is bug: http://bugs.typo3.org/view.php?id=5681

Most of the other annoyances can be fixed quite easily. Patched versions 
of the dam are available: http://www.netcreators.com/development/dam/

Two days ago I pinpointed the cause of bug 5681, but it still needs some 
testing and investigation and a proper fix (an ugly hack is available, 
though it breaks some other functionality).

> The further development of DAM seems to be a weak point, is this 
> anything to worry about?

Well . . . yes and no ;-)

You can worry about it, but it will not 'help' you in any way!

Worrying about things has never ever improved my life in any way.

Try to transform your worries into something concrete, so that you can 
take small steps to get closer to the desired situation.

There are a lot of people on this list that use the dam and want to see 
it grow. There are a lot of programmers capable of contributing fixes, 
patches and enhancments.

The dam is a huge and very usefull project and it will not die any time 
soon (as long as TYPO3 4.x stays around).

If you call out on this list your problem will be addressed.

Kind regards,

Michiel Roos

Netcreators BV :: creation and innovation

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