[TYPO3-dam] DAM 1.0.9 release

René Fritz r.fritz at colorcube.de
Wed Mar 7 18:20:22 CET 2007

Mesdame Messieur

Just uploaded a 'small bugfixes' and 'make it work with TYPO3 4.1' release of 
the 1.0.x series.

dam 1.0.9
dam_ttcontent 1.0.2
mmforeign 0.4.0

mmforeign is not needed with TYPO3 4.1 but this version doesn't throw errors 
when installed.


------------From the manual----------

Upgrade to TYPO3 4.1

TYPO3 4.1 has support for foreign MM table handling included. The extension 
mmforeign provided the functionality needed by extension using DAM file 
references like dam_ttcontent does.

mmforeign is no longer needed when TYPO3 4.1 is used. However the mm table 
format changed a little bit. The mm table use the field sorting_foreign which 
was sorting before. This means by upgrading to TYPO3 4.1 all sorting of file 
references in content elements would be lost. 

DAM has an upgrade function builtin. Just go into the Extension Manager 
details view of the dam extension. That's where some configuration options 
are displayed. The conversion of the mm table for references will be done 
silently. This work as long as no editing of files references was done after 

Downgrade to 3.x-4.0 is not supported. To do so the field 
tx_dam_mm_ref.sorting_foreign needs to be renamed back to 

digital media lab


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