[TYPO3-dam] DAM 1.1 beta04 for download

René Fritz r.fritz at colorcube.de
Thu Feb 15 12:26:12 CET 2007

... here


Main changes are:

Multi actions in file and list module:
Media>File file copy
Media>File file move
Media>File file delete
Media>List file copy
Media>List file move

From my point of view DAM is feature complete for a 1.1 Version.
Bugfixes and some internal improvements will follow, so the next version might 
be a release candidate.


The changelog since beta03:

07-02-15 Rene Fritz  <r.fritz at colorcube.de>

* Change: tx_dam_tce_file removed referer check
* Added: tx_dam::meta_putData()

07-02-14 Rene Fritz  <r.fritz at colorcube.de>

* Added: Multi actions in file module
* Added: Multi action: Media>File file copy
* Added: Multi action: Media>File file move
* Added: Multi action: Media>File file delete
* Added: Multi action: Media>List file copy
* Added: Multi action: Media>List file move

07-01-25 Rene Fritz  <r.fritz at colorcube.de>

* Added: plus icon for insert file after upload in CE

07-01-22 Rene Fritz  <r.fritz at colorcube.de>

* Fix: Workaround of usage of $GLOBALS['SOBE']->config_checkValueEnabled() in 
* Fix: file delete command module didn't show error messages
* Added: show 'file not exists' icon in tx_dam_cmd_filedelete
* Change: smaller GUI and code cleanups in tx_dam_cmd_filedelete
* Fix: tx_Dam::path_makeAbsolute make use of 'dir_*' now
* Change: code cleanups in lib/tx_dam_list*

07-01-20 Rene Fritz  <r.fritz at colorcube.de>

* Added: tx_dam::process_copyFile()
* Added: tx_dam::process_moveFolder()
* Added: tx_dam::process_copyFolder()
* Added: tx_dam::process_createFolder()
* Added: tx_dam::notify_fileCopied()
* Added: tx_dam_db::cloneFilePath()
* Added: ux_t3lib_extFileFunctions::func_copy()

07-01-15 Rene Fritz  <r.fritz at colorcube.de>

* Change: small changes to tx_dam_scbase
* Change: small changes to tx_dam_simpleforms

07-01-10 Rene Fritz  <r.fritz at colorcube.de>

* Fix: fix call of $GLOBALS['SOBE']->config_checkValueEnabled() in EB

digital media lab


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