[TYPO3-dam] getting rid of title tag in image - dam_ttcontent

Krystian Szymukowicz t33kRE.MO.VE. at RE.MO.VE.prolabium.com
Thu Feb 8 22:58:28 CET 2007


I am trying to have images where title is only in <a> tag and the title 
consist of "txdam_title" and "txdam_creator" field from DAM.

I set my TS like this:

tt_content.image.20 {
	1 {
		titleText >
		titleText.cObject = COA
		titleText.cObject.1 = TEXT
		titleText.cObject.1.data = field:txdam_title
		titleText.cObject.1.noTrimWrap = | | |
		titleText.cObject.2 = TEXT
		titleText.cObject.2.dataWrap = ; (fot.{field:txdam_creator})
		titleInLink = 1
		titleInLinkAndImg = 0


This almost works. I can not get rid of title from img.

What is interesting is that in <a title="...">  I have  "txdam_title" 
and "txdam_creator" fields and in <img title="...> only "txdam_title" field.
If I set titleInLinkAndImg = 1 then the title is the same in <a> and 
<img> and consist of  "txdam_title" and "txdam_creator".

I have spend some hours digging source code at
extension: dam_ttcontent
file: class.tx_damttcontent_pi1.php
but with no luck :(

It seems like
$imgsTag[$imgKey] = $this->pObj->cObj->IMAGE($imgConf);
do not respect 						unset($imgConf['titleText']);

Anyone have idea how to get rid of title="..." in <img> tag in 

Thank you in advance for any advice.

Krystian Szymukowicz

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