[TYPO3-dam] DAM - reflection on "kill mod_file"

Andreas Balzer typo3 at andreas-balzer.de
Sun Apr 15 12:51:33 CEST 2007

René Fritz schrieb:
> - There's a scheme needed how to store files when the usage of folders is 
> dropped (in the interface). Means, where to store an uploaded file when the 
> folders are hidden for the editor?
Why not just use a folder like fileadmin/user_uploads/images, where all 
the images could be uploaded to? To make everything faster it could 
contain subfolders that are named like 'tyj/' where ty could be the 
first to letters of the filename (e.g. TYPO3 -> ty) and the optional 
third letter could be the first letter of the file extension (e.g. jpeg)

If a file in a subfolder is already present it could be renamed with a 
number behind.. The actual filename of the images or what so ever 
(filadmin/user_uploads/pdf, ../audio/, ../video) could be named like the 
title of the media entry, just without special chars...

What do you think about?


P.S.: BTW: I would not use the traditional uploads folder, in order to 
have everything compliant to older extensions and it wouldn't be able to 
reuse an image, if it's not indexed by DAM already..

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