[TYPO3-dam] DAM 1.1RC1 for download

René Fritz r.fritz at colorcube.de
Tue Apr 10 01:24:03 CEST 2007

... here


Here's the first release candidate of DAM 1.1.

Main changes are:

New file editor framework and integrated text file editing (was in extension 
dam_act_edittxt). In fact the user can't see any difference in comparison to 
dam_act_edittxt. but under the hood there's a new action and a module to 
provide this editor framework. The dam_demo extension has a demo editor which 
provides search and replace for text files.

A few enhancements to the treeview browser in tceforms.

New metaExtract service using exiftool.

There are still two todo's which should have been fixed for this release:

* 3531: Publishing a record breaks dam_ttcontent-relations

In fact this isn't a bug of DAM but the TYPO3 core. The bug report include 
patches, but the code is not needed to be included into DAM. This can be put 
into a seperate extension providing the workaround.

* special characters in filenames make problems while indexing

I wasn't able to reproduce this problem and need more detailed information.


The changelog since beta05:

2007-04-09 Rene Fritz <r.fritz at colorcube.de>

* Added: Added editor registering function
* Added: Added editor module
* Added: Added action to call editor
* Added: Added text editor (included from dam_act_edittxt)

2007-04-08 Rene Fritz <r.fritz at colorcube.de>

* Change: make treeview browseable with simpleforms, merged code with fix from 
* Change: auto size for treeview field in read only mode
* Change: removed overhead from treeview fields (whole tree was rendered to 
get names for selected items)

2007-04-07 Rene Fritz <r.fritz at colorcube.de>

* Change: tx_dam_media fetches language overlay automatically now in FE
* Fix: 4215: Absolute file mounts & userHomePath not below server-root breaks 
autoindex in file list
* Change: changed keys (exif, iptc, ...) for use in xml with field tx_dam.meta 
to uppercase
* Change: tx_dam_indexing look for exif_done, iptc_done and xmp_done in meta 
field to decide if image:exif or image:iptc services needs to be called

07-04-04 Rene Fritz  <r.fritz at colorcube.de>

* Added: Enabled the "Extra data" sheet for all types in tca
* Fix: 5320: beta5 RTE Integration: Links to tx_dam records with same uid as 
an accessible page results in link to that page

07-03-29 Rene Fritz  <r.fritz at colorcube.de>

* Fix: removed hardcoded tx_dam::config_setValue('setup.devel', '1'); in 
* Fix: 5298: typo in class tx_dam_file_list causes php error
* Fix: 4549: category selection in flexform - tree does not show up if defined 

07-03-20 Rene Fritz  <r.fritz at colorcube.de>

* Change: cleanups and enhancements in tx_dam_media

digital media lab


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