[TYPO3-dam] Manually indexing files from own extension without BE-user

Franz Koch typo at fx-graefix.de
Wed Sep 20 18:19:55 CEST 2006

>> I'm currently writing an extension like dam_downloads, but with
>> upload functionality. For this, I want to use the indexing features
>> of DAM. So I tried uploading a file into the fileadmin-folder and
>> then index this file via DAM with the following code:
>> ...
>> But when I'm not logged into the backend, I always get the error
>> in the log
>> "Attempt to modify table 'tx_dam' without permission"

I just managed it with a little workaround. I'm using the "dryrun" option and the function "indexFile" to get the meta-data for the file and insert the data manually into the database like that:
// initiate DAM indexing-object
if(!is_object($this->damIndexing)) {
	$this->damIndexing = t3lib_div::makeInstance('tx_dam_indexing');
$this->damIndexing->collectMeta = true;

// define some data that should override any dam-generated indexing-data
$overrideData = array(
	"fields" => array(
		"category" => count(explode(",",$this->piVars["entry_category"])),
		"description" => $this->piVars["entry_description"],
		"fe_user" => $this->user_uid,
		"creator" => $GLOBALS['TSFE']->fe_user->user["name"],
		"copyright" => $GLOBALS['TSFE']->fe_user->user["name"],
		"cruser_id" => 1,

// get the meta-data and all other fields of the dam-table
$data = $this->damIndexing->indexFile($fileconf['uploadFolder']."/".$this->piVars[$shortcut],0, NULL, NULL, NULL, $overrideData);

// if we got meta-data, let's proceed and insert the data into the database
if(is_array($data)) {
	$pid = $this->damIndexing->pid;
	$values = array();
	// stripping of fields that not supposed to be inserted
	// fieldlist is set in typoscript of extension
	foreach($data["fields"] as $dbfield => $value) {
		if(t3lib_div::inList($this->conf['db_insertFields'],$dbfield)) {
			$values[$dbfield] = $value;
	$fields = implode(",",array_keys($values));
	$query = $this->cObj->DBgetInsert($this->entryTable,$pid,$values,$fields,true);

	// and now update the category-mm-table. Don't know a better way right now
	if($query) {
		$this->entry_uid = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_insert_id();
		if($this->entry_uid) {
			$proceed = true;
			foreach(explode(",",$this->piVars["entry_category"]) as $catid) {
				$mmdata = array(
					'uid_local' => $this->entry_uid,
					'uid_foreign' => $catid,
					'sorting' => ++$i,
				if(!$GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_INSERTquery("tx_dam_mm_cat",$mmdata)) {
					$proceed = false;
		if($proceed) {
			# do some stuff
			return $this->display_error();


Maybe that helps anybody. It seems to be sufficient for my current needs, but any improvements are very welcome :)

Kind regards,
Franz Koch

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