[TYPO3-dam] mmforeign

Franz Holzinger franz at fholzinger.com
Wed Sep 6 10:47:29 CEST 2006

Hello Sebastian,

> MM tables serve a standardized
> goal, expressing releations between two records. So why would you want
> to define additional fields or so; that would make it just really
> cumbersome to configure and very difficult for most people.

it is also needed to give each of these relations additional attributes.
E.g. you have an address table with the names of companies:

company A
company B
company C

Each of them is a manufacturer of materials. The list of materials shall 
be selectable in backend and search for frontend.

So you have a table materials:

material A
material B
material C

However each of these materials now needs some attributes.
minimum size
maximum size

It would not make sense to put these attributes into material:

material A, color=red, minimum size = 10, maximumsize = 100, someFactor = 1

This is because it would not be possible to select these items.

Company A produces products with material A and colors=red and green and 
sizes from 1-1000.
Company A produces products with material B and colors=blue and yellow 
and sizes from 0.1-700
Company A produces products with material C only color=silver and sizes 
1 up to 100000.

Company B produces products with material A and colors=gray, yellow and 
green and sizes from 10-100 and someMaxFactor=70.

I need a mm table tx_address_materials_mm to give the relation between 
tt_address and tx_materials. However for each relation company A to 
material X I will have different attributes. I do not know another way 
than to add all these attributes into the mm table tx_address_materials_mm.

And everything shall be searchable in the FE. You give in parts of an 
address, the material and other attributes. Then the corresponding 
addresses shall be listed.



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