[TYPO3-dam] DAM 1.1 alpha02 for download

René Fritz r.fritz at colorcube.de
Fri Sep 1 18:53:53 CEST 2006

... here


(half was already in alpha01 but not in changelog)

06-09-01 Rene Fritz  <r.fritz at colorcube.de>

* Added: tx_dam_indexing. Locking should prevent double indexing from two 
concurrent processes
* Added: [Devel] tab in TCA when devel option is activated. Shows some extra 
* Change: removed compatibility XCLASSes for pre 4.0 versions
* Fix: tx_dam_batchprocess. Old stored data was used in batch processing when 
field was set empty
* Fix: tx_dam_list_list. Deleted translated records will not be displayed
* Fix #3636: tx_dam_tce_process. test intval($id) in 
processDatamap_postProcessFieldArray to work not with id='NEW'
* Fix #3438: tx_dam_db. Deleted records are displayed in "usage" tab of dam 
* Fix #3778: missing $this in function process() in file upload_status.php
* Fix #3453:  increased TCA file_path max value to 2553371
* Fix #3371, 3371: added missing backpath in class.tx_dam_browse_media.php, 
class.tx_dam_selectionFolder.php, ...
* Fix #3940:  category not assignable if title contains ' character -  added 
t3lib_div::slashJS() in tx_dam_tcefunc and tx_dam_selprocbase
* Fix: tx_dam::process_replaceFile(). reindexing works now

06-08-31 Rene Fritz  <r.fritz at colorcube.de>

* Fix: updateMetaTrigger($meta) and insertMetaTrigger($meta) get uid now in 
meta record
* Added: tx_dam::_callProcessPostTrigger() and calls in all tx_dam::process_* 
functions to call a hook for post processing. See also 
* Added: hook in tx_dam_actioncall. see checkItemValid()
* Added: multi language support for categories (but not in 

06-08-28 Rene Fritz  <r.fritz at colorcube.de>

* Change: cleaned up tx_dam_db::getMetaForUploads()
* Added: tx_dam_db::fillWhereClauseArray()
* Added: tx_dam::meta_findDataForUploadsFile()
* Added: tx_dam::media_getForUploadsFile()

06-08-23 Rene Fritz  <r.fritz at colorcube.de>

* Added: workspaces fields and TCA stuff

06-08-16 Rene Fritz  <r.fritz at colorcube.de>

* Change: Element browser improvements. Small bug fixes. Possiblity to use 
current or stored selection.
* Change: made tx_dam_selectionCategory use for FE enableFields

06-08-07 Rene Fritz  <r.fritz at colorcube.de>

* Added category element browser
* Added treelib/class.tx_dam_treelib_elementbrowser.php base class for  a 
element browser for trees.
* Added treelib/class.tx_dam_treelib_ebtreeview.php base class  for element 
browser trees

06-08-01 and before Rene Fritz  <r.fritz at colorcube.de>

* Change: improved and fixed a lot of things in lib/tx_dam_*. Too much to list 
here. Often FE stuff is implemented.
* Change: tx_dam_browseTrees. Allow to set $this->selectionClasses array
* Change: improvements and fixes in tx_dam_db
* Change: improvements and fixes in tx_dam_filebrowser
* Change: tx_dam_guiFunc. Made usable for FE (not all). Added thumb functions 
and others. HTML attribute parameter can be arrays. ...
* Change: tx_dam_indexing. Added dataAppend processing.
* Change: tx_dam_listbase, tx_dam_list*. Added multiActions and 
enableBrowsing.Use guiFunc thumb functions. Misc small stuff.
* Change: tx_dam_querygen. Improved MM stuff in addMMJoin().  Added 
hasWhere(). Small fixes.
* Change: tx_dam_scbase. Added getMessageBox(). Removed 'DESELECT_ID' stuff.
* Change: tx_dam_selection. Decoupled from $GLOBALS['SOBE'], 
Removed 'DESELECT_ID'] stuff.
* Change: tx_dam_selectionQuery. Added $maxPages. Prepared for FE.
* Change: tx_dam_selStorage. Prepared for FE
* Change: tx_dam_tce_file. Added func_newfile() and func_edit(). Added 
tx_dam::notify_* calls
* Change: tx_dam_tceFunc. Added getSingleField_typeFolder(). dbFileIcons(): 
user defined mode can be set to be passed as param to the EB
* Change: tx_dam. Several improvements and fixes.
* Added: misc functions in tx_dam
* Added: tx_dam:: access_*()
* Added: tx_dam:: process_*()
* Added: tx_dam_tsfe:: initLangObject()
 * Added: tx_dam_tcaFunc: Provide misc TCA functions for usage in own 

06-07-19 Rene Fritz  <r.fritz at colorcube.de>

* Fix: added rawurlencode where needed
* Added: tx_dam_media. Works now. Needs still some work
* Change: rewrite/cleanup of command modules (mod_cmd/*)
* Added: new text file action. tx_dam::register_action 
* Added: new text file command module: tx_dam_cmd_filenew
* Added tx_dam::register_mediaTable(): Register a table that is related to a 
media folder and should be stored there.

06-07-18 Rene Fritz  <r.fritz at colorcube.de>

* Change: added class="typo3-icon" to icons here and there
* Change: DAM record is now called 'Media'; added 'Video' to locallang
* Change: set default hidden=0 for tx_dam_cat
* Change: removed 'required' for file_type field, so saving for unknown file 
types is possible

06-06-06 Rene Fritz  <r.fritz at colorcube.de>

* Added folder element browser
* Added: register XCLASS of t3lib_extfilefunc to pipe all TCE stuff through 
DAM version
* Added constant PATH_txdam_siteRel
* Added default fields to tt_content: tx_dam_images, tx_dam_files, 
* Added default field tx_dam_flexform and txdam_addCTypeFlexFormValue() to 
have a default flexform field usable for CTypes (instead of plugins which 
have their own)
* Added: module tx_dam_tools_indexsetup. Moved from dam_cron extension with 
small changes. Needs to be improved
* Change: several small chages to components/tx_dam_actions_*
* Added selection_getItemIcon() to selection classes

06-05-23 Rene Fritz  <r.fritz at colorcube.de>

* Fix: DBAL related fixes in tx_dam_db, tx_dam_sysfolder, tx_dam_querygen and 
* Added: 'lost_records' and 'statistics' function to modfunc 

06-05-16 Rene Fritz  <r.fritz at colorcube.de>

* Change: Moved 'remove from selection' function into own selection class: 
tx_dam::register_selection ('txdamRecords',  ...
* Added: plugin.tx_dam.defaults TS setup for FE usage - no real usage for now

06-05-11 Rene Fritz  <r.fritz at colorcube.de>

* Change: make use of the rewritten mmforeign extension. Added TCA field 
config option 'userFunc_checkValue' in tca_media_field.php

digital media lab


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