[TYPO3-dam] media types

René Fritz r.fritz at colorcube.de
Thu Nov 30 00:33:50 CET 2006

> These lists
> are rather long ;-)

I don't care. So DAM will become the most largest extension ever :-)

> types are categorised? We had quit a good division at that time I think. At
> the moment some things seem to be mixed up. odt and tmpl are categorized as
> undefined, sxw as application etc. Files like odt, doc could be categorized
> as Text 

The list could be improved, for sure. I have currently not my focus on this 
topic. I can inlude types when you say me what and how.
Nevertheless I have on my todo list to provide configuration options which 
resource should be used for mime type detection (builtin or system dependent)

> as there is the Additional meta data field. These kind of files can 
> carry extra metadata.

I don't get this. I may misunderstand you, but that a file has meta data is 
independent of the detection of it's mime type, isn't it?

> http://www.iana.org/assignments/media-types/

An excerpt of the mime type list is already used in DAM. Unfortunately is that 
list not exactly what I think is right for DAM. For example 'pdf' is defined 
there as
and not as 
Technically this may be correct but from a categorization like DAM use I would 
expect it of type 'text'. And that's how DAM has an additional internal list 
defined. Btw. Open Dokument formats are also defined as application/* in the 
mime type list not text.

Here's how media/mime type detection works (example.pdf):

- Get the file extension, This is 99.999% correct in my eyes so I trust this 
information: 'pdf'

- If we have a file extension use an internal array to get a mime type for: 

- if the internal list does not know the type mime_content_type() is used to 
get a mime type. Now the detection depends on the servers setup.

- if we still don't have a mime type or there's no file extension use 
the 'file' command to detect these

Now we know

An internal array is used to get the media type (text, image, ...) for a file 
type. This overrides the mime type and makes from an pdf of 
file_mime_type 'application' the media_type 'text'.
If that fails the file_mime_type is used.

The function
can be used to define new types. So easily the internal lists can be 
customized by own extensions.

The internal arrays itself are in dam/lib/tx_dam_types.php and can be modified 
to but may change in the future.


digital media lab


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