[TYPO3-dam] DAM 1.1 beta01 for download

René Fritz r.fritz at colorcube.de
Tue Nov 21 12:30:25 CET 2006

... here


I planned to make a release last week, but unfortunately I was a bit ill and a 
few things were half finished, so I couldn't publish it.

I call this version a beta, although it does not have all features and the 
code review is not fully finished. Nevertheless it's working and shouldn't 
have serious bugs unless I build some in in the last days.

It might be needed to call the upgrade function in EM. This is NOT 
the 'Update' button you see in the detail view but the 'UPDATE!' menu entry 
in EM select menu when you're in detail view of the dam extension. If the 
menu entry is not there, all is fine.

Main new features:

* Actions (delete, edit, ...) are used in all modules now and can be 
en-/disabled by tsconfig

* Multi actions are introduced. Have a look in the list moduleand 
enable 'Display batch edit options'. You see a bar at the bottom of the list 
that allows to process file delete (and other's) on a bunch of files.
Multi actions are not hardcoded, they can be added by extensions like other 
actions too.
(I know that a lot of functions are missing and it's needed to provide them in 
file module too)

* Context menu's are working now and use actions too. This means the action 
for record editing is implemented once and will be available in lists module, 
in thumbs module and in context menus.

* Auto indexing fetches a setup from the current folder or parent folders to 
start auto indexing. A tools module is provided to created and save a setup. 
This mean uploading into a folder with a indexing setup that has categories 
set, will index the file with those categories.

* Demo Plugins available. A few Plugins are available that shows how to use 
the API from frontend. Espacially indexing from FE was requested. Have a look 
in the code: it's just one line!

* Generally dozens of bugs were fixed and the code were cleaned up heavily. 
Currently there are 50 unit tests which helped to find low level bugs. The 
API provide now functions to make common tasks easy like indexing, file 
delete, etc.

Known bugs:
In the file module the edit record action is always deactivated

* Implement multi actions in file module
* Implement missing multi actions like file move, etc.
* More unit tests
* Implement missing TCE and process_* functions
* TSconfig options to enable/disable features
* File edit framework. This should be a framework to implement file edit 
actions. Currently there's an extra extension to allow text file editing as 
* Documentation

One more thing on the todo list is the clipboard, but I think it will not make 
it into the 1.1. Just too much work. But we'll see.

In the works:
* XMP meta data service
* WebDav file service on top of DAM
* Secure download framework (component based and exchangeable)

Have a nice day

Changelog since last alpha:

06-11-19 Rene Fritz  <r.fritz at colorcube.de>

* Added: implemented multi action framework
* Added: implemented multi actions in record list module
* Added: implemented multi action: delete
* Added: implemented multi action: hide, unhide
* Added: media types: text, image, ... can be used as items in TCA 
allowed_types/disallowed_types which trigger the element browser to show 
those media types
* Added: tx_dam_extFileFunctions::func_move
* Added: tx_dam::process_moveFile

06-11-18 Rene Fritz  <r.fritz at colorcube.de>

* Added: implemented actions in modfunc_list_thumbs
* Change: smaller code cleanups in actions code
* Added: action tx_dam_action_editRecPopup - edit record in popup
* Added: tx_dam_image - has some useful functions for thumbnail and scaling 

06-11-16 Rene Fritz  <r.fritz at colorcube.de>

* Added: Possibility to define file extensions that define what files should 
be skipped while indexing: $TYPO3_CONF_VARS['EXTCONF']['dam']['indexing']
* Added: file_compileInfo() return $fileInfo['file_extension'] now
* Added: added Info main module as placeholder for submodules
* Change: removed 'devel' option from ext_conf_template.txt
* Added: more locallang labels in tools modules
* Added: top bars in tools modules - like all others

06-11-12 Rene Fritz  <r.fritz at colorcube.de>

* Change: Uploads module show errors from tce (db) now
* Added: default field to tt_content: ce_flexform

06-11-10 Rene Fritz  <r.fritz at colorcube.de>

* Change: All records with missing files will be excluded from query now
* Fix: unnecessary use of $LANG in indexing make trouble
* Added: tx_dam_db::evalData()
* Added tx_dam_iterator_media
* Change: iterators can be used in FE now more flexible

06-11-4 Rene Fritz  <r.fritz at colorcube.de>

* Added: to all action links: '&vC='.$GLOBALS['BE_USER']->veriCode();
* Fix: fixed smaller todo's and some localization stuff
* Added: File icons with relative path are cached now
* Change: Element browser highlight current selection now
* Change: removed sRGB from the colorspace list, it's a color profile
* Added: tidy tool to index-check submodule, can correct color_space for now
* Fix: fixed detection of colorspace with identify
* Added: size in mm calculation for images
* Added: unit tests - 46 now
* Fix: fixed several bugs in tx_dam while implementing more unit tests
* Change: fe_group is now like in tt_content
* Change: records layout is change due to changed fe_group field

06-10-25 Rene Fritz  <r.fritz at colorcube.de>

* Added: added file context sub-menus to record context menu

06-10-24 Rene Fritz  <r.fritz at colorcube.de>

* Added: record context menus works now
* Added: file context menus works too
* Change: media field rendering shows nicer file list and support context 

06-10-18 Rene Fritz  <r.fritz at colorcube.de>

* Fix: sortby was used wrong which caused random numbered title's - that bug 
was a highlight!

06-10-17 Rene Fritz  <r.fritz at colorcube.de>

* Added: Output of error messages in indexing process. This is when TCEMain 
fails to insert record.
* Fix: sql definition of file_path
* Added: update function for EM - Media folder have to be a sysfolder now
* Change: made record info popup window resizable
* Change: check post_max_size for upload size calculation
* Added: XCLASS to make Media folder hideable when it is a db mount

06-10-16 Rene Fritz  <r.fritz at colorcube.de>

* Change: backup files (*.txt~) will now be detected with it's file type: txt
* Change: removed t3lib_extMgm::allowTableOnStandardPages() for all dam tables 
so they will not be seen on 'reacte new record' action. Web>List seems still 
to work, but not creation of records.
* Change: Media folder is now a sysfolder (type 255) by default but can be of 
any page type. This is needed to identify dam folder: 'module'='dam';
* Added: Media>Tools>Categories
* Change: enabled tx_dam_metypes_avail in TCA so it is editable in Media 
folder for admins
* Added: title attributes to list browser buttons: |< < > >|
* Fix: tx_damindex_rule_doReindexing has always a radio button selected now
* Added: tx_damindex_rule_doReindexing has full reindexing option now
* Added: $meta['file'] array in tx_dam_indexing which holds the pure file info
* Added: Usage of identify to get images size and format. Used by default now.
* Added: tx_dam_indexing: added t3lib_div::devLog() all over the place

06-09-14 Rene Fritz  <r.fritz at colorcube.de>

* Fix: fixed some sorting issues in list modules (no sorting or depreciated 
sorting field was used)
* Added: tx_dam_db::getFieldListForUser()
* Change: if the selection change in list modules the list pointer (result 
browser) resets now
*Added: check function_exists('sem_get') in tx_dam_indexing

06-09-13 Rene Fritz  <r.fritz at colorcube.de>

* Change: field file_path is changed to varchar(255) and defined as index 
(including file_name and other) which will speed up things!!
digital media lab


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