[TYPO3-dam] translating/localizing dam categories

Karl-Ernst Kiel kekiel at kekiel.de
Thu Nov 16 20:48:51 CET 2006

Hi David!

David Smeringe wrote:
> Hm. As I'm a bit new to both extending and improving Typo3 I have some 
> difficulties to estimate the extent of this implementation.  Is it a 
> rash decision to try and implement it myself? I got plenty php knowledge 
> and I plan to dig further into Typo3 anyway, but maybe I'm hasty? I know 
> I was in the offer to my client.. ;-)

Yes I understand - I´m dealing with the same problem :-) ...
I use DAM 1.1alpha02 from Rene´s page 
The tx_dam_cat table seems to be prepared for multi-language use and in 
fact it is possible to insert localized records via Media->Categories or 
The main problem seems to be the output in the frontend. (Or have I 
missed something?...)

I am using a modified version of dam_downloads to show a category tree. 
Here is an example of a query with additional "localisation" using the 
"getRecordOverlay()" function.
for reference)

$where = 'pid = '.$this->conf['pid'].' AND l18n_parent = 0';
$where .= $this->cObj->enableFields('tx_dam_cat');
$res = 

$this->allCatArray = array();
while($row = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_fetch_assoc($res)) {
	$this->allCatArray[] = 
$GLOBALS['TSFE']->sys_page->getRecordOverlay('tx_dam_cat', $row, 
$GLOBALS["TSFE"]->sys_language_uid, '');


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