[TYPO3-dam] DAM/Typo3: Direct link to file?

Christo Romberg coromberg at gmail.com
Fri Nov 3 17:31:35 CET 2006

First of all: What a great extension! :-)

Secondly, is it possible to create only a reference to a file in the
filesystem in the 1-2-3-4-process?
I'm thinking more of a shortcut to files, than the existing method.
The metadata schemas that now resists, are great information containers,
and would therefore used.

The reason for me to only want to create a reference, with a metadata to
that reference, is that
I could update files, without having to add a new version of that file
to the DAM system.
Also, because I store and access all my files locally, there wouldn't be
any need for
downloading any files; when I'd click on the asset, it would directly
open in a "external" software.

Thanks for all the help!
All the best,

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