[TYPO3-dam] dam_ttcontent: tx_dam_mm_ref-records not copied on copyRecord

Peter Kühn peter.kuehn at wmdb.de
Thu Jan 26 15:26:02 CET 2006

René Fritz schrieb:
> I have no idea how flexforms are handled, so I can't give you a hint.

*G* took me 3 days to go thru TCEmain over and over again and still have 
  not more than just an idea ;)

"but!" (as kasper would say):
I just added a new file in the bugtracker that seems to solve:
- save images with new CE´s
- copy images along with media-field in regular forms
- copy images along with media-field in flexforms

we´ll test it over here - maybe someone else on the list could do the 
same to make shure it works.

greetinx and have-funs at T3BOARD06

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