[TYPO3-dam] DAM 1.1 beta03 for download

René Fritz r.fritz at colorcube.de
Fri Dec 8 00:50:23 CET 2006

... here


Main changes are:

* added a lot of TSconfig options
Examples are provided and all options are documented in the manual.

* new DAM file link browser for htmlArea
* integrated DAM image browser for htmlArea (current does not work with 1.1)
These may be integrated in htmlArea sometimes

* improved multi language handling
- In the list module one can create localized records and display can be 
limited to show localized only.
- Categories show the items in the users language if possible (this is tricky 
and might not work with all languages)
There are still todo's but localization should work better now.

* Media>Tools>Configuration. Displays the current DAM setup (from TSconfig)

General Status

The todo list getting shorter. In the sorce code there are
(This was around 140)

Additionally there are
7 Tasks

The tasks are related to
- 0003531: Publishing a record breaks dam_ttcontent-relations
- missing file operations (command modules, tx_dam::process_* functions)
- implement missing functions in tx_dam_media, espacially FE stuff like 
localization support

Apart from the additional file operations and tx_dam_media, there won't be 
heavy code changes from now on, so feel free to make bugreports in the 
bugtracker for beta03.


The changelog since beta02:

06-12-07 Rene Fritz  <r.fritz at colorcube.de>

* Fix: tx_dam_image generate checksum for thumbs.php. Needed for t3 4.0.3

06-12-05 Rene Fritz  <r.fritz at colorcube.de>

* Added: finished several TSconfig options which enables/disables actions in 
* Change: renamed tx_dam:access_checkAction to 
* Added: if devel option is enabled modules show a 'Module Info' box which 
displays keys needed for configuration in TSconfig

06-12-04 Rene Fritz  <r.fritz at colorcube.de>

* Added: Media>Tools>Configuration. Displays the current DAM setup (from 
* Change: Media>Tools>Categories rebuild the tree now instead of cleaning it.
* Added: TSconfig setup can be choosen in EM now
* Change : use escapeshellarg() where needed
* Added: an additional file with meta information can be passed to indexing
* Added: RTE image browser for htmlArea
* Added: EM Option to enable RTE image browser

06-12-03 Rene Fritz  <r.fritz at colorcube.de>

* Added: added tons of TSconfig options. Have a look in the manual
* Change: make use of the file icons theme in the folder tree
* Change: move tx_dam::config_* into own class
* Added: make use of plugin.tx_dam.pid
* Change: cleaned up tx_dam_db::getPid()
* Added: Categories show the BE users language now when in sys_language the 
iso code is set and match - little tricky

06-12-01 Rene Fritz  <r.fritz at colorcube.de>

* Added: added workaround for htmlarea EB
* Added: manual updates and cleanups

06-11-30 Rene Fritz  <r.fritz at colorcube.de>

* Added: file link browser XCLASS for htmlarea
* Added: tx_dam_action_localizeRec localization action
* Change: overhauled localization in list module. Needs still testing but 
should work better now
* Change: thumbs module has a language selector now
* Fix: #4287: In multilingual environments wrong pictures are displayed in the 
non-default languages
* Change: Removed modfunc_list_editsel. Function is integrated in list module 
* Fix: listmodul showed never more that 30 records at once

06-11-29 Rene Fritz  <r.fritz at colorcube.de>

* Change: remove options to select alternate bg colors for rows. TSconfig used 
* Change: removed alt_db_navframe XCLASS. Hiding the media folder when it is a 
mount is fixed in 4.0.3

06-11-28 Rene Fritz  <r.fritz at colorcube.de>

* Change: use lock() while indexing instead of sem_* functions
* Fix: meta collect with dry run did not use a unique id for each meta entry
* Fix: 'create new text file' returns to list now

06-11-26 Rene Fritz  <r.fritz at colorcube.de>

* Added: removed usage of pathinfo() because of problems with utf-8 in some 
PHP versions

digital media lab


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