[TYPO3-dam] Bugfix release dam 1.0.2

Franz Koch typo3 at fx-graefix.de
Wed Apr 12 10:01:56 CEST 2006

>>I tested it again, and the same results: the content-object is displayed as long as i do
>>not activate the [ctype_textpic_add_ref] and [ctype_image_add_ref]. if i switch them on and
>>clear all caches, the pictures are not shown anymore.
> do you have css styled imgtext installed?
> I experience the same and have it installed...

Simply check the TS of the cType IMAGE and TEXTPIC contain the propper code for fetching the images with a userFunc. If that is not applied I can't work and you probably did some configuration on these cTypes by your own and overwrote the TS added by the reference-extension.

The TS inside the object browser of your root-template should look like this:
tt_content.image.20.imgList {
	cObject = USER
	cObject {
		userFunc = tx_dam_tsfe->fetchFileList
		refField = tx_damttcontent_files
and of course the class class.tx_dam_tsfe.php has to be included somewhere.

If the imgList is not a userFunc it can't work.
Kind regards,
Franz Koch

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