[TYPO3-dam] [Typo3-dev] DAM Service / Indexing Rule

René Fritz r.fritz at colorcube.de
Wed Oct 5 12:37:58 CEST 2005

Am Mittwoch, 5. Oktober 2005 07:23 schrieb Thomas Murphy:
> But there might be other reasons for using $this->setup in the service
> itself (e.g. which metadata has to be used? the one from the image or
> from the xml?), but I don't know how this might affect the overall
> architecture of the Services API with coupling and so on.

index rule (not really a service)
and metaExtract services are two different things

The metaExtract service just should extract meta data and don't have to do any 

That should be done by a index rule. But your case is currently not possible. 
I put it on the todo list.


digital media lab


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