[TYPO3-dam] dd_dam_gallery - development discussion (was 'DAM Photo Gallery' in german list)

Jan-Hendrik Heuing [DD] jh at digitaldistrict.de
Tue Oct 4 15:25:19 CEST 2005

>> At this stage, I'll keep my hands on it
> Well, sorry for the mistake then.

No problem. I just mean that I would not open it in that way as that many 
people at the same time work on it. As soon as there is input coming, I can 
of course insert it after validation...

>>>I had a quick look at it and it's allready nice, but sill misses a lot of 
>>>features for an overall gallery.
>> You probably had a look at the gallery, not the configuration of the 
>> extensionframework I guess ;) dd_dam_gallery is just an example of how to 
>> use dd_extensionframework.
> As mentioned - I had a "quick" look at the gallery. Now I'll have a much 
> longer one on the framework ;)

Have fun ;) Have a detailed look at that config-array and it's options...

>>>- possibility to also view images by file and folders
> you mentioned something like building a gallery out of non-indexed images 
> directly from a folder etc. (like "normal" gallerys)

For now it's an idea. As you can see in the framework, there are already 
things working. It's the oposit to getMediaDB: getMediaFS. As soon as you 
configure your "table" as directory, it chooses that one. It's more like a 
proof-of-concept for now, and is actualy working, but it needs to developed 
further to make full use of advaced features like you have with getMediaDB 
and it's config-array.

>>>- multiple category filters (like in the BE)
> the possibility for visitors to filter listed images. Example:
> available Categories:
> - genre
>   + landscape
>   + flowers
>   + people
> - type of cam
>   + analog
>   + digital
>   + SLR
>   + DSLR
> - skill
>   + beginner
>   + advanced
>   + pro
> in the FE it should be possible for the visitor to filter/search for 
> kombinations of categories and then browse the gallery - eg:
> Filter: landscape + flowers + dslr + skill - pro
>>>- list-view optional grouped by subcategories
> eg. list of category 'genre':
> -----------------------------
> subcategory
> subcategory
> subcategory
> #preview-images from the category#
> img img img img img img img img

This is basically FE-Work to display things. No problem until here.

> listview with grouped subcategories:
> ------------------------------------
> subcategory
> img img img img img img img img
> subcategory
> img img img img img img img img
> subcategory
> img img img img img img img img

That's actualy fairly easy, as you can use getMedia and a few other 
functions, which could do that. I thoight about that, but didn't have time 
to implement it into the example... This will defenetly be part of the 
extension I want to push further until t3board.

>>>- optional limit by listing images from subcategories
> configurable limit of the shown preview-images of each subcategory in the 
> "grouped view" right above.
>>>- latest-view with possibility to view latest pictures by
>>>  category or filter them
> plugin-mode "latest" which shows the latest added pictures

That's done with the config-array (and call to getMedia) as well:
- sorting by tstamp
- limit results

> All my suggestions where for the extension 'dd_dam_gallery' - to get ONE 
> gallery-extension for almost every need - configurable through a flexform 
> with different views (like tt_news) - that was at least my idea behind of 
> that.

Sure, sounds good.

Just to give you an idea about getMedia and it's configuration:
You can set defaults for the configuration in that custom extension like 
dd_dam_gallery. After doing so, you do not need any additional things to get 
content from the database. Now you can just use getMedia etc...

Now if you have the case that you need special configuration for just one 
call (like 5 random images shown with category names), you just call 
getMedia with an additional config array as parameter, which is then merged 
with the golbal conf-array within getMedia, while the local conf passed 
through getMedia has got higher priority...

That solves most things. Actualy I set up a news-plugin, link-catalog (which 
I can publish online), filebrowser and a recepie-database in no time using 
that... The link-catalog uses a little more features of the framework 

One thing is not implemented yet... Which I want to do before switching to 
At the moment, all plugins are configured individualy related to output. I'd 
rather like a method to combine those. Example: Having one gallery-plugin, 
it can not handle videos (like for the snowboard-tour). But then you would 
like to add a special view for videos, which is easy through the 
plugin-structure, which is not yet fully implemented. BUT you have to 
configure things indivudaly. Like headlines... For categories, listview, 
singleview, whatever....

So having filters for different cases, plugins for special content elements, 
then the whole thing makes much more sense. Imagine this case: You bookmark 
images, videos, mp3... Now you save that collection as individual diashow or 
just as page like it is now. Then those elements are rendered the same way, 
as there is some common understanding of things...

There is some ajax proof-of-concept bookmarking. While setting up a 
demo-user, I just figured out there is another small bug, so the bookmarking 
demo will have to wait until... I got a moment for fixing it ;)


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