[TYPO3-content-rendering] Upgrading CSS Styled Content - some ideas

Riccardo De Contardi riccardo.decontardi at bhuman.it
Fri May 13 11:05:33 CEST 2011

Hello everybody; first of all let me introduce myself: my name is 
Riccardo De Contardi and I'm a not-so-long course TYPO3 user and 
integrator ;)

I've started a similar topic on the group "TYPO3 English" and I've been 
suggested to move it to this group instead, so... here I am! (And 
forgive me for a bit of cross-posting ;))

I'd like to discuss with you the possibility to somehow "simplify" the 
current CSS Styled Content HTML and CSS rendering. In detail:

- could it be possible to reduce the number of classes ?
- could it be possible to avoid some inline styles (style="width:etc")?
- if you set captions for images, the  HTML that arranges images becomes a
dl/dt/dd structure; as far as I know, there are screen readers, like JAWS
that speak an "=" between the term and its definition, so:
<dl><dt><img src="typo3temp/myimage.png" alt="alt of the
image"></dt><dd>caption of the image</dd></dl>

Would be spoken as:

"alt of the image = caption of the image"

I think this should be confusing for the users (and... if there is no alt?
“ = caption of the image”?? );

so... could it be better to use the plain ul/li structure (plus 
surroinding the caption with a <span>)?

Here are some interesting links related to this topic:

(could avoid the sum of widhts in “Above, center” and "Below, center" - 
I suspect these are the only cases in which they are somehow mandatory: 
for all the other options the float:left or float:right is sufficient to 
set the width of the container)

(could avoid the <div style=”margin-left:XXXpx;”> in “Beside text, left” 
and “Beside text, right”)

Also this could be interesting:

(maybe whith this it could be possible to use a single "list" instead of 
a "list" for each row)

Thank you all for your patience and best regards; I hope hearing from 
you soon!


Riccardo De Contardi – TYPO3 Certified Integrator
B Human Srl - www.bhuman.it <http://www.bhuman.it>
Via Canzio, 15 - 20131 Milano
TEL +39-02-20.23.271 - FAX +39-02-20.240.561

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