[TYPO3-content-rendering] tt_content.mailform: different wrap for textarea needed

Michael Bakonyi konakt at mb-neuemedien.de
Mon Jun 2 01:28:01 CEST 2008

I finally found two possible solutions without installing an extension:

1. It's possible to wrap a div around an element via Javascript (e.g. 

2. Just use the AlphaImageLoader, a MS proprietary filter, which usually 
is used to make PNG-images with Alpha-transparency work in <= IE6. When 
you add a background with that filter it doesn't scroll anymore. You 
need to add "position:relative" to the textarea otherwise the textarea 
won't be accessible anytimes. Unfortunately this technique makes the 
scrollbars unuseable, you can only scroll through your text with the 
arrow-keys .. :-(

Here's a snippet:

   .csc-mailform-field textarea{
     background-image: none;

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