[TYPO3-content-rendering] new versions of xMenu_LAYERS

Christopher bedlamminusspamhotel at gmail.com
Thu Apr 13 18:35:57 CEST 2006

Hi Georg,

Georg Ringer wrote:
> Hi,
> I refer to "Did I just fix or break TMENU_LAYERS" in typo3.dev and following 
> the instructions of Ingmar ;)
>>Now the trick is to either find a way how to change xMENU_LAYERS to use
>>this in a backwards compatible way so it can ship with 4.1 (not 4.0.1!),
>>or package it separately as an extension. Please ask the
>>content-rendering group how to do it. The Newsgroup is:
> He speaks about some menues I wrote which nearly beheave like xMENU_LAYERS 
> but are bullet-list menues styled with CSS.
> You can take a look here:
>>TMENU horzontal:
>>TMENU vertical:

These are nice, but the html in them is still a little complex to my 
tastes. There is, for example, nothing that I can see that the <span> 
elements do that could not be done with styles on the links (possibly 
making use of IFSUB).

I would vote for the simplest possible markup defaults--developers who 
need or prefer more complex markup should be able to add in the extra 
pieces if they need them.

>>GMENU horizontal:
>>GMENU vertical:

These are pretty good. Personally, I'd love to see a image-replaced 
version, but it's currently a very complex thing to do in TYPO3.


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