[TYPO3-content-rendering] XHTML strict?

Kai Laborenz laborenz at css-praxis.de
Tue Sep 13 15:29:47 CEST 2005

ben van 't ende [netcreators] schrieb:

> I believe this is not fixed anywhere unless someone can point me to a 
> spot where it says differently. As governmental agencies are going for 
> strict I would say strict is the way to go. Any thoughts what might be 
> the obstacles TYPO3 wise for achieving strict compared to transitional?

I am not as familiar with xhtml strict but I remeber a few questions:

- heated discussions about the correct way serving xhtml pages
- problems with inline steyles 
- losing things like target attribut
- whats about xml 1.0 frameset?

Regards, K at i

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