[TYPO3-content-rendering] New and improved css_styled_imgtext

Ernesto Baschny [cron IT] ernst at cron-it.de
Tue Sep 6 11:15:47 CEST 2005

Ernesto Baschny [cron IT] schrieb am 02.09.2005 19:54:

> That's why I sat down and thought about the problem and tried to solve it.

Thanks a lot people for the nice words!

Let me try to address all points rised so far in one email:

Sponsoring: Yes, you might sponsor the further development of this, of
course. It motivates me, it motives my employer to keep me on this
project and it motivates you "get what you asked for". I'll send you the
details by private emails.

CSS-validation: Yes, there is a CSS-validation bug: "//" is not a valid
comment starter. Will be corrected in the next release.

CSS in general: I am glad that it turns out to work on most browsers.
And a bit surprised, to be honest. I tried to "keep it simple", maybe
that was the reason it works.

CSS with MacOS-IE: About MacOS-IE I say "ouuuuuuchhh". Meaning: yeah, it
sucks. I haven't got PearPC working on my PC yet so I cannot install or
test with MacOS. Stefan said the "INTEXT left", which can only be
http://www.typo3-anbieter.de/de/csi/#948, "it actually does 2cols".
Well, if this is really the case, fine, because 2-cols is what I wanted
to do there! :) In the content object I selected "Columns: 2" in this
element. The "Just Images", which probably is this
http://www.typo3-anbieter.de/de/csi/more/#953 I cannot explain why the
images are in one column. Stefan, can you send me a screenshot, so I can
maybe figure out what was happening?

CSS in IE: The calculation of width for the whole images to wrap are
based on a working box-model, which IE is known not to master in
"quirks" mode. So you have to keep your XHTML compliant, else there
might be some empty spots in an image gallery (ok, should happen very

Equal-Height: Noone has noticed, but "equalheight" in my extention
renders different than "equalheight" with the table-based solution. The
original rendering respects the "columns" chosen by the user. In my CSS
based solution if you choose "equal height", you get as many images as
you can in one row, all having equal height. It looks nicer, in my
opinion. ;) I've created a copy of my test pages without my extention,
so we can compare the results against what IMGTEXT does with TABLEs:

  http://www.typo3-anbieter.de/de/csi/ vs.

notice on the "fancy stuff" (/more/) page, the "Just Images" block. In
the table-based, I chose 4-columns.

Documentation: Yes, of course I will, as soon the code is "clean" :)

Original TABLE-rendering: It should work, if you set "table" as
rendering, in that it simply passes everything to the original IMGTEXT
function. Not sure if the TypoScript in tt_content.xxxx is the same thou
as the original content(default), but it should be very similar.

About changes in the core or CSC: My vision was to have a flexible
IMGTEXT cObject. With our extentions, we only change the behaviour of
the rendering of tt_content.textpic and tt_content.images. What if the
user wants to use the IMGTEXT somewhere else? Why shouldn't he just use
an IMGTEXT and specify ".renderMethod = ...." which will be provided by
some extention? The current table-based rendering could be "just another
renderer", I don't see a real reason for it to be so hard-coded in the
CORE. BTW the same goes for all other cObjects. E.g. FORM, etc. Its a
huge amount of core, and if you just want to change one line in an
extention, you will have to XCLASS the cObj, duplicate the whole
function in question and change the one line. Not very future-proof. I
would rather have a whole lot more hooks in these classes, but in a form
that the user can choose the hook to use via TypoScript.

Integration into CSC: I'm ok with integrating this into CSC as a "second
step", after the extention has been tested and proved itself useful by
the community.

New features: I've already got some new feature requests, I will address
them one by one. Keep 'em coming!


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