[TYPO3-content-rendering] Indexed Search templating

Martin Kutschker martin.kutschker-n0spam at no5pam-blackbox.net
Sun Nov 13 21:10:48 CET 2005

Michael Stucki schrieb:
> Hi Ernesto,
>>What I miss, thou, is a XHTML-compliant template. The template_css.tmpl
>>is a great start, but it just isn't XHTML-compliant. If we want TYPO3
>>4.0 to be XHTML-compliant, we should provide a XHTML-based
>>indexed_search template, right? :)
>>So I did that, and reported in http://bugs.typo3.org/view.php?id=1830.
>>Michael, could you take a look at it and integrate, so that it can get
>>included for TYPO3 4.0?
> Yes I will. Your patch looks great and chances are good to change this _now_
> because the CSS based template is not in productive use so far. So we can
> still fix this without caring about the holy backwards compatibility ;-)

Don't forget that the section header needs two separate classes (or 
three if you implement one base class: one for the section name and 
another one for the page count.

And can the colon at the end of the section head be moved from the PHP 
code to the template? Not every language uses colons (and some screen 
designers don't like them).


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