[TYPO3-content-rendering] Title-Attribute for page type "external url"

Michael Haugg michael.haugg at memmingen.de
Fri Nov 4 11:42:55 CET 2005

Not the solution, but probably better then before:

var_exturl_img = /typo3conf/ext/dh_linklayout/res/link_ext.gif
var_exturl_alt = Symbol für externen Link
var_exturl_title = 'Externer Link, öffnet sich in neuem Browserfenster'

temp.exturlspecialwrap {
  stdWrap.cObject = CASE
  stdWrap.cObject {
    key.field = doktype
    default = TEXT
    default {
       field = title
    3 = TEXT
    3 {
       field = title
       wrap = <img src="{$var_exturl_img}" alt="{$var_exturl_alt}" 
title="{$var_exturl_title}" border="0" style="padding-right:3px;"/>|

Nevertheless I still would be more than happy to know how to add a title 
tag to this kind of pages in the menu! Or at least to learn that it's 
not possible... but this would the first time that something isn't 
possible in Typo3 :-)


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