[TYPO3-content-rendering] Integrating Accesskeypad - Hello...

Michael Haugg michael.haugg at memmingen.de
Fri Nov 4 09:01:02 CET 2005

Hello Michiel,

I tested again and - shame on me - you're right.

I tried again
Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.7.6) Gecko/20050405 
Firefox/1.0 (Ubuntu package 1.0.2)
and a friend tested for me Firefox on a Fedora System and it happens 
what you say.

I tested also again on varios Firefoxes on Windows and had no problems 
at all. (and it was right when I said that on [Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; 
FreeBSD i386; en-US; rv:1.6) Gecko/20040429 Firefox/0.8] there were also 
no problems, maybe due to the old version)

I searched a bit in the internet and have found: 

Curiosly there is nothing mentioned about using accesskeys for tabbed 
browsing. After all, accesskey is a pretty old attribut of html, so I'm 
not sure that, if Firefox uses it for handling the browser, this is more 
a bug then a feature.

So as a conclusion the facts seem to be: Firefox on Linux + tabbed 
Browsing + Accesskeys = no fun for the user! But not a "nono" in 
General. And at least it doesn't produce an error, just looses a little 

Accesskeys do also not work in some other Browsers. Seems that Opera 
uses ctrl+esc but at least with mine it doesn't work...

I agree on what a german author (Jan Eric Hellbusch) says on his page:
"Presuppose, that users needing the functionality of direct access will 
use a browser that offers this feature."

Thanks for your valuable information.


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