[TYPO3-content-rendering] Integrating Accesskeypad - Hello...

Michael Haugg michael.haugg at memmingen.de
Wed Nov 2 09:48:36 CET 2005

> Multiple open tabs or not?

Yes, Michiel, with multiple tabs open.

I tested last weekend also with
  Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; FreeBSD i386; en-US; rv:1.6) Gecko/20040429 
multiple tabs an d had no problems at all.

But may I ask you if I get you right?

I understand, that If you use (any) Firefox and there are e. g. two Tabs 
open, [Alt+1] and [Alt+2] are then used for switching tabs and no longer 
availible as Accesskeys. Is it that what you mean? Well, I can't confirm 
this. Alt+1 and Alt+2 had always worked fine. I have not even found a 
way to change tabs with shortcuts.

Regards, Michael

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