[TYPO3-content-rendering] CSS Styled Imgtext

Stefan Beylen intsys at swissinfo.org
Tue Jul 5 08:40:32 CEST 2005

JoH wrote:
> the reality is something like this:
> PC: IE 5+, Firefox, NS 6+, OP 6+
> Mac: IE 5+, Safari, Firefox

and? would that be ok?
what you want? NS 4.08?
we living in the 21st century, not anno 1995

> Well - you simply ignored the "no rows" option and your images are (with one
> exception) almost of different width not height.

this is really getting childish. I thought you know css - apparently you 
dont. thats all about calculations, assigning width, height...

> The spacing between images and text is  - uuhm - ugly and there are no
> captions.

...and padding.

> The textblock and the image block don't align horizontally and vertically in
> both cases.

...and padding.

> And the funny thing is, that you are abusing another element here just to
> avoid using a table.
> If you think a table is semantically incorrect for displaying a number of
> different images with corresponding captions, why should an unordered list
> be better then?

because the images are an array (if there is more than one) that belongs 
to the contentelement. in case there is just 1 image I wouldnt use a 
list but float it without any wrapping <img src="#" style="float:left;" />
A table is for tabular data. An array of images is no tabular data.
btw. I can achieve the whole thing without lists as well...I dont see 
why it shouldnt use a ul (or ol) though

> But back to the original problem:
> Do something like this using floated elements (span, div or li - whatever
> you like) that will look the same in all major browsers.

well it does, doesnt it?

> If you will be able to do it using an automatic approach that will work for
> any number of columns you can set via BE and for any image width, without
> using manually tuned HTML and CSS for each possible layout, you might be
> able to convince me.

automatic approach = calculations. for that I can use PHP.
I know the width and height of the images so where is the problem?

> But from my personal experience I can tell you it is almost impossible.

*yawn* ... so now its already "almost" impossible

> BTW:
> What's your personal opinion about the siutations where a table might be
> "semantically correct".

<table summary="Telephone Prefixes in Europe">

> Can a form be "tabular data"? - What about a calendar? 

form: no - use a fieldset
calendar: yes

Any other areas for the "correct" use of tables?


p.s.: this discussion is making me tired as there is nothing added from 
you guys. Its just about proving me wrong...that might be quite funny 
but doesnt bring us any further to the goal. With "goal" I mean 
semantical correct data the gets output at the end. If you want to use 
tables, go for it, make your TS Setup and so on. I (and Christopher who 
had the original idea of using a list) showed you a way without the 
tables and no <div> used at all.
It works in _all_ current browsers (so far) - so where is your problem?

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