[TYPO3-community] Community-Extension? Looking for supporters and sponsors!

Marc Bastian Heinrichs typo3 at mbh-web.de
Sun Dec 9 18:28:10 CET 2007

Hi list,

every now and than I got requests concerning the possibility of
programming so-called "social communities" within TYPO3.
According to my investigation there are different not very
promising approaches.
On the one hand there are some basic approaches without realistic and
specified roadmaps yet. On the other hand there are two concrete
projects which are being programmed for specific situations and their
current state of development doesn't permit to speak of "the T3
community ext".

Being specialised in creating websites in TYPO3, my agency would like
to initiate the development of an "ideal" community ext. My agency is 
ready to invest some of our working time into this project. Moreover one
of our costumers is interested in sponsoring part of the project. To 
make a long story short: we need further people who want to share the
workload as well as the costs.

Is anybody interested in supporting the development of a community
Or do know of some sponsors who are interested in supporting TYPO3
staying competitive within the community-website sector?

We are looking forward in receiving your feedback.

Marc Bastian Heinrichs
Steuerung B - Bochum

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