[TYPO3-commerce] Birthday field

Egemen Erol e.erol at epower3.de
Mon Jun 9 20:34:26 CEST 2014

Hi everybody,


I'm trying to implement a birthday field for the billing address form during
the first checkout. It does show up so for with


plugin.tx_commerce_pi3.billing.sourceFields.birthday.mandatory = 0

plugin.tx_commerce_pi3._LOCAL_LANG.de.general_birthday = Geburtstag


being configured and




being set in the extension backend for "Field mapping feuser-tt_address". 

Nevertheless only a 1-1-1970 is shown in the tt_address list view for
billing addresses in the typo3 backend. If you examine the tt_address fields
directly in the database you can see that integers are written into the
field like 1605 or 1 or 686.


It doesn't matter, whether I enter the dates as i.e. 10.10.1979 or
10-10-1979 in the frontend, while checking out.


Does anyone have an idea?




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