[TYPO3-commerce] Import products from csv

Elena Bartolotti elena-typo3 at intera.it
Mon Apr 8 14:45:29 CEST 2013

Hello list,
I need help to import products from csv.
I set up Commerce in "Simple Mode" because my client is not used to 
separately manage articles and products. Everything ok with manually 
inclusion of the products, but having to import them from csv, I am in 
I have tried either ods_commerce_import and wt_commerce_import, but both 
fail to import all fields correctly.
My main issues are:
importing of attributes, which probably I can't set up correctly;
management of categories (a product can belong to multiple categories 
and both extensions force me to duplicate the products for each category 
in the csv, that's very bad).
Any suggestions or examples I can follow?

Thank you all!

<font color="#999999" face="Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif"><font
  size="-1"><b>Elena Bartolotti</b><br>
</font><img alt="InteRa srl"
  height="38" width="80"><br>
<font size="-2"><b>InteRa s.r.l.</b><br>
Via R. Murri, 27 - 48124 Ravenna<br>
Tel. 0544 462628 Fax 0544 467457<br>
E-mail elena at intera.it - www.intera.it<br>
P.IVA, Cod. Fisc. e Iscr. Reg. Imprese di RA 02039980392<br>
Cap. Sociale € 10.000,00<br>
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indicato, questi deve ritenersi diffidato dal farne uso a qualsiasi
titolo e distruggere il file erroneamente ricevuto.</font></font><br>

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