[TYPO3-commerce] Dynamic attributes to let the customer set the value of a coupon?

Georg Schönweger georg.schoenweger at gmail.com
Wed May 2 09:22:10 CEST 2012

Hi Jimmy,

this should be possible. We are changing the price dynamically too by
using the hook
(function postartAddUidSingle)
This hook is called everytime an article is added to the basket, have a
look at pi2/class.tx_commerce_pi2.php

e.g. you could do something like this;

- in single view you could create a input field inside the commerce
<form> element where the customer enters his coupon Value. Then you can
access this field in the hook;

function postartAddUidSingle($articleUid, $v, $productObj, $articleObj,
$basketObj, $pObj) {				   		

$newPriceGross = intval($pObj->piVars['customPriceField']) * 100;
$newPriceNet = ...;


hope this helps

Am 30.04.2012 11:37, schrieb Julian Pleger:
> Hey guys,
> I am quit new to the commerce extension but I am already very happy with it.
> There is only one thing I'm still trying to do:
> I want to sell coupons to the customers. BUT I just want to create ONE product und let the customer set the value of the coupon on his own.
> So ... if someone wants a coupon which has a value of $3.44 he should be able to do this. Is it possible?
> Thanks in advance,
> Jimmy

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