[TYPO3-commerce] cache problems - no_cache is set on pages with commerce plugin

Martin Bless m.bless at gmx.de
Wed Aug 22 16:04:55 CEST 2012

[Brian Bendtsen] wrote & schrieb:

>I have uninstalled and deleted realurl extension. Also I have deleted 
>the realurl tables from the database. This does not fix the mentioned issue.

Hhm, too bad.

It's remarkable that the truncated cHash is exactly 10 digits long. There is a function
t3lib_div::shortMD5(...) that does this.

And indeed, when I search all PHP files for "shortMD5" I get three hits::

  cd typo3conf/ext/commerce
  grep -ri shortMD5 * --include=*.php

and in lib/class.tx_commerce_basic_basket.php there is:
  return t3lib_div::shortMD5(serialize($this->basket_items));

I have no idea if this means something or points to an error. But it may give you one more

Keep on ...


Certified TYPO3 Integrator | TYPO3 Documentation Team Member


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