[TYPO3-commerce] Gross/Net Text befor/after Price

Robert Wildling robertwildling at gmail.com
Fri Oct 21 17:43:17 CEST 2011


In a shop the prices are shown with VAT and without, like:
€ 12.00 (€ 10.00)

I would like to add some text to the no-VAT text like
€ 12.00 (€ 10.00 w/o 20% VAT)

but can't find the TypoScript for that. Can anybody give me a hint how 
to do that?
(Of course it wold be great, if it were a multilingual marker that also 
respects the VAT amount .. maybe even different one for articles and 
shipping cost...)

In the main setup there is an item:
lib.tx_commerce {
	article_prices {
    		fields {
			pricenet < lib.tx_commerce.stdField
    			pricegross < lib.tx_commerce.stdField  	

Addressing it in the products single view (e.g.) like:
plugin.tx_commerce_pi1.singleView {
article_prices < lib.tx_commerce.article_prices
article_prieces.fields {
	pricenet.wrap = (| w/o Vat)
	// or is it:
	// pricenet.stdWrap.wrap = (| w/o Vat)

won't do the trick...

(I am anyway confused about the use of article_prices: where exactely is 
it used?)

What I would like to mention:

After trying many other Shop ext that are available in the TER, I 
finally returned to commerce, which is still my most favoured one, 
because it fits so neatly into the TYPO3 CMA functionalities. And it 
also seems to be the most feature-rich one... It is still a bit clumsy 
to handle, though, and lots of stuff happen only via TypoScript. But I 
would like to see the developer team come back to that ext and keep it 
going!!! You did a great ext here and it would be such a shame if it got 
  "lost" on the way...

THanks to you all!

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