[TYPO3-commerce] using allArticles=0 and stock-handling

Sven Schumacher sschu at computerteam.de
Thu Sep 23 01:38:07 CEST 2010

Good evening folks,

it seems to be more difficult than I thought before to change the 
behaviour of displaying out-of-stock articles.

So I'd like to try another way:
By making use of the NO_STOCK subparts it should be possible to render 
different output for in-stock and out-of-stock articles.
Especially for out-of-stock removing ###LINKTOPUTINBASKET###
and removing the form with the quantity should be a better way to let 
the user know, that the select attribute-combination can not be ordered.
But that doesn't seem to work, too.
The ###ARTICLE_STOCK### is rendered correctly if allArticles=1, but when 
allArticles=0, it seems just to be empty, and even the prices are 
suddenly 0.00 for the select attribute-combination, but when I change 
back to allArticles=1, the price is shown like it should be.
What is going wrong?
For testing purposes I just fetched the svn-trunk again, but that 
doesn't helped either.

(all by using tx_comdefaultstock)

The NO_STOCK template-subparts are always taken for rendering.
stockhandling is essential for my shop:
I have to implement a shop, where every article can only be bought 
exactly one time (I will sell tickets for an event (attributes are 
"block", "row" and "seat")).

Good night


Am 21.09.2010 18:03, schrieb Sven Schumacher:
> Hello,
> is there any switch or simple way to get dropdowns (like allArticles=0
> provides) but without nostock-articles?
> I have very large attributes-list (3 attributes, each of them have lots
> of values), and I would like to hide non existing attribute-combinations
> of articles (at the moment they are greyed and not selectable) and
> articles out of stock (displayed like normal ones, only after selecting
> and adding to basket I get the information, that they are out of stock,
> which is of course not very customerfriendly.

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