[TYPO3-commerce] Implementation of targetpay and assurepay wanted (needed)

B.Karimi bkarimi at gmx.de
Wed Jul 21 08:45:57 CEST 2010

  Dear commerce list listeners,

for a customer I have to deliver an extension that enables the user to 
do payment via the (Dutch) payment providers targetpay and assurepay. 
The shop is selling downloadables, so it is necessary to get also the 
answer of the payment provider that the transaction is successful (or 
Does anybody already has working implementations of targetpay/assurepay?
Or does somebody has the ressources to develop them (not necessarily 
complete voluntarily)?



bernhard karimi | karimix internet services
warendorfer str.45 | D-48145 münster | germany
willem de zwijgerlaan 91 | NL-2582 EK den haag | the netherlands
phone NL 0031-628822559
tel.  DE 0049-178-4933408

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