[TYPO3-commerce] directmail for commerce & newsletter

Volker Graubaum volker.graubaum at e-netconsulting.de
Thu Oct 29 12:27:43 CET 2009


I would say this is a user registration related question.

 > How can I get sr_feuser_registration to save a client, who signs up for
 > the store AND is interested in the newsletter, in both groups, the one
 > for the store (which happenes automatically), AND the one for the
 > newsletter subscribers, given the newsletter subscription is checked?

Try to work with conditions and 4 groups:

commerce confirmed
commerce not confirmed
newsletter confirmed
newsletter not conformed

1) not logged in
   -> register for commerce -> use commerce groups
   -> register for newsletter -> use newsletter groups
2) logged in with:
   a) commerce group:
     -> set newslettergroup to newsletter + commerce group
   b) newsletter group
   -> set commercegroup to commerce + newsletter  group

Greetings Volker

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