[TYPO3-commerce] A strange problem with attribute dropdowns - works and not works

Erik Svendsen erik at linnearad.no
Sat Nov 7 13:14:59 CET 2009


TYPO3 4.2.10
Commerce 0.12.0 (from Trunk).

The problem isn't so easy to explain, in short attribute dropdown works 
and not works depending on categorylevel, kind of menu - to be honest, I 
  really don't know. So I have to use an example.

The structure of categories in Commerce is like this. I only using the 
relevant parts.

Produktkatalog (id 2)
- Forbruksmateriell (id 3)
-- Blekk (id 4)
--- Mutoh (id 6)
---- Mutoh EcoSol (product)
--- 3M (id 5)
---- 3M product 1
---- 3M product 2

And of course necessary articles.

Look first at page http://ngdigital.linnearad.no/index.php?id=105 
(display). The dropdown are there, but isn't working. The commerce pi1 
plugin is her using Mutoh (id 6) as category.

The look at 
. Her I'm using Forbruksmateriell as category, have the plugin on page 
Forbruksmateriell (id 3), and generating the menu with commerce menu 
(special, userfunction). Here the dropdown works most of the time, 
besides it sometimes load the "Forbruksmateriell" page.

The menu and category are the only real differences in the settings. All 
TS, templates and so on are identical.

The form tag and content (where the selectboxes are) is identical, 
except for one value. The javascript, heading and rest of page is also 
more and less identical. Javascript are identical.

The Display page is showing following

The Mutoh page is showing following

The problem is that on this installation I need the dropdowns to work 
when we are using the plugin as on the Display page, using the category 
one level above the product, and not using commerce navigation.

Someone has a clue whats's the problem are, and how it can be solved.


Erik Svendsen

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