[TYPO3-commerce] Templating categories

Bob Wild rowild at gmx.net
Thu Aug 20 15:25:17 CEST 2009

Hi again,

Searching through the list I don't feel to be the only one who is a bit 
confused about the marker system in the commerce templates and their 
reactions to TypoScript.

I hope you can help me to clarify things.

in category_products.tmpl the standard way of calling the markers is:

###CATEGORY_VIEW_DISPLAY### ,   this one calls the 
###CATEGORY_SUB_LIST### ,   which itself calls the

and then - depending on the TS-config with templateMarkers, either one, 
two or more


My questions are:
1. Which content is the marker ###LANG_HEADER_ACTION### supposed to 
display? I can't get it replaced by any content from my database. Am I 
doing sth wrong?

2. TemplateMarkers enable the use of different div-containers for the 
Product display (odd - even). Is there any way that I can use the same 
principle for displaying subcategories in ###CATEGORY-LIST###?

Having severeal subcategories, I would like to display 2 categories next 
to each other. The different length of the texts results in different 
lengths of the columns, which results in overlapping of subcategories. 
The idea is to set a clear-div after every second subcategory - but this 
seems not to be possible now. Or do I have a wrong understanding of the 

Any help is greatly appreciated!

Regards, Robert

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