[TYPO3-commerce] Commerce Examples

Jonas Dübi admin at commandline.ch
Fri Aug 14 22:58:07 CEST 2009

Ingo Schmitt schrieb:
> could you all pleass add you Commerce Examples to this list:
> http://wiki.typo3.org/index.php/Commerce#Examples

Hi Ingo,

we will add our exmples to the list, but we would like to know where we 
should add future wiki pages. In the forge wiki or in the wiki.typo3.org?

The pages should be better linked to each other. A lot of information is 
lost, because it's spread all over the internet without direct links or 
an overview. What happens with: http://www.typo3-commerce.org/

Example overview is realy great idea! It shows how powerfull commerce 
already is.

What would also be cool is:

- Commerce Extension overview:

- Companys providing commerce support/implementations...

What about refactoring this manual: 

Or is this to out/dated?

Or even better: providing a basic typo3 package with a simple template 
and commerce pre installed, just to spread the word, and make testing 

Thank you for your great work, by the way! SVN is working great, we are 
testing it in depth right now with a lot of other commerce related 

Best regards,

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