[TYPO3-commerce] Update prices of all articles

Morten Olesen mo at idefa.dk
Fri Sep 5 15:25:07 CEST 2008

Hey Stephan,

What your looking for is $belib->updatePriceXMLFromDatabase($article_id)
where belib is an instance of tx_commerce_belib and article_id is the id 
of the article you want to update.

This function syncs the price xml of the given article to the actual 
values in the DB.

Happy coding.

/Morten Olesen

Stephan Petzl wrote:
> Is there a possibillity to update all prices in the DB?
> I want to set a value of a separate field in the tx_commerce_articles 
> table as price.
> Since prices are stored in XML i cant do a simple sql-update...

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