[TYPO3-commerce] Problems with allArticles=0 and the attributes in dropdown menus

Ralf Merz ralf.merz at heindl.de
Fri Mar 28 14:24:37 CET 2008

Hi List,

I´ve some articles created with attributes, so I can use the 
dropdown-functionality in FE. This ist done by setting
plugin.tx_commerce_pi1.allArticles = 0

I use the commerce NB from 2008-03-27

Now my problem is: When I open a page the first time (by clicking in the 
navi), the dropdown is generated with the right number of values, but 
the values are only shown with their first character, e.g. the value 
"Version 3" is shown as "V". If i make a selection, the generated 
dropdlist is correct.
So, I´ve debugged the attribute_array in pi1-class and saw, that the 
attribute-array, when being generated the first time, has no keys. The 
second time (selection done), it has those keys. I mean, the first time 
I have:
$myAttributes['values']['value'] = "Version 3"
$myAttributes['values']['icon'] = ""
The second time I have:
$myAttributes['values']['12']['value'] = "Version 3"
$myAttributes['values']['12']['icon'] = ""

When I use the file lib/class.tx_commerce_product.php from before 
2008-02-16 (rev8277), it works. My dev-system is setup with an earlier 
nightly-build, but i have to say that I don´t exactly know which one.
But I´ve seen that there were changes in that class.
These changes were in the attribute-matrix-functions().

Now the Question: Does anyone of you also have problems with the current 
version of commerce when he/she uses dropdown menus?

Thanx2all for replies! ;)

Ralf Merz

Heindl Internet AG
Tübingen , Germany
ralf.merz at heindl.de

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