[TYPO3-commerce] Multile images on category

Franz Koch typo.removeformessage at fx-graefix.de
Tue Feb 5 10:49:17 CET 2008

Hi Brian,

> I have tried split.max = 0, split.max = and #split.max but it makes no 
> difference

well, if you have copied the image settings from another view, then 
'#split.max' won't do anything, and the setting from the copy source 
will still be present.
'split.max = 0' and 'split.max =' might result in no image shown. You 
have to either use 'split.max >' to unset the value or name a max count 
like 'split.max = 10'.
It's not tested and I can't test it right now, as I don't have a 
commerce setup where I could do those test.


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