[TYPO3-commerce] Retrieve a price without currency

Morten Olesen mo at idefa.dk
Mon Dec 22 10:18:01 CET 2008

Hi Brian,

since your going to rely on javascript for manipulation anyway why not 
just do

var price_withouthcurrency=/[\+-]*\d+\.?\d*/.exec(###CURRENCY_MARKER###)[0];

off the top of my head I cant recall the name of the currency marker, so 
you'd need to replace it with the real marker name


Brian Bendtsen wrote:
> Hi
> I would like a hidden input field with the price of each article, so I 
> can manipulate it with some javascript. But the price is always 
> displayed with the currency.
> How can I make something like:
> <input type="hidden" value="100" name="price_withoutcurrency" />
> /BB

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